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>> For the protocol to use, you can be inspired by the other internet protocols like HTTP,FTP,IRC an so on. Just use simple ASCII commands... for example if you want to move a player you can send a command (message) like this:
>> MOVE James,50,90
> Oh yuck. That's all the Internet needs, more excessively verbose
> protocols. It's not very Amiga either, to use 16 (plus IRC protocol)
> bytes when 3 will do. You have replaced a simple Internet port
> programming problem with a complex "first write an IRC client, then
> write your protocol on top" problem.
> Inetd is designed to listen on certain ports, and start a new instance
> of a particular server proggy for each incoming connection. Since your
> proggy still needs to do everything except listening for a connection,
> you are probably better off simplifying things by just adding the
> "listen for a connection" part yourself.
I couldn't see how InetD would listen for ports, and how amos'd connect to em. And the current GUI extention has no 'listen for a connection' feature as far as I can see.
> I can't solve this particular problem for you though, I don't even have
> AMOS Internet extensions.
The Gui extention.
> Oh, and do us all a favour, design a compact protocol that uses all 8
> bits of the bandwidth, rather than having every 8th bit wasted. It's
> well overdue that the Internet changed to 8 bit protocols instead of 7
> bit protocols and all the encoding that has to go on to cater for
> sending 8 bit data through a 7 bit protocol working over an 8 bit link.
> This sort of madness probably wastes about one quarter of all available
> bandwidth just on un-needed overhead. All to cater for some ancient
> systems that probably only exist in museums now.
Wouldn't a direct TCP connection be 8 bit?
So, Pietro, how about doing a 'open listening port' command for the gui extention ? plleeeaaaassseeeee :)
See ya.
Manta Soft - Amiga programing & web page designing